Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Tour and Giveaway:Bo's Cafe' by John Lynch, Bill Thrall and Bruce McNicol

About the book from

High-powered executive Steven Kerner is living the dream in southern California. But when his bottled pain ignites in anger one night, his wife kicks him out. Then an eccentric mystery man named Andy Monroe befriends Steven and begins unravelling his tightly wound world. Andy leads Steven through a series of frustrating and revealing encounters to repair his life through genuine friendship and the grace and love of a God who has been waiting for him to accept it. A story to challenge and encourage, BO'S CAFE is a model for all who struggle with unresolved problems and a performance-based life.

Steven Kerner is your typical "A-type" personality.
Over-worked and over-stressed, he finds salvation through an unlikely encounter with a group of B-types (or, are they?)
This book is for anyone who has ever felt at the end of their rope-I swear my blood pressure went down just by reading it. You'll stop and think, you may just be tempted to take the book and go sit in a park or garden to read it-this is the mood it will put you in-if you allow it. :-)
Bo's Cafe' is a collaboration, written by John Lynch, Bill Thrall, and Bruce McNicol.
You can learn more about these writers by visiting here.

I am pleased as punch to be participating in my very first Blog Tour and Giveaway.
To learn more about the book Bo's Cafe' please visit and check out the other tour stops below for reviews, author Q&A and more chances to win.

Participating Blogs:

September 28th

September 29th

September 30th

October 1st

October 2nd

Thanks to Miriam at The Hatchette Book Group, I have 5 copies of this book to give to 5 lucky commenter's.

If you'd like to win this book, just leave a comment about which personality traits you most identify yourself with (Type A-multi-tasking over-achieving stress-junkie, or Type B,patient, relaxed, easy-going-or maybe you're a combination of both?) IMPORTANT! Include your email address-leave it in code if you like-example:you(at)yahoo(dot)com. After all, I can't notify you that you win otherwise!
I will notify the winners individually by email for their shipping address to forward to Miriam at the Hatchette Book Group. The winners will have 48 hours to reply with their shipping info, or I will draw new winners.

The winners will receive their books directly from Hatchette. Sorry no PO boxes.
This contest is open to US and Canada.
This giveaway ends on October 15th at midnight EST.


Anonymous said...

I'm Type A trying to become Type B.


Bruce said...

Tea, me too! Bruce, co-author, Bo's Cafe

P.S. This truth encourages me: The goal of life is not for us to get all our 'stuff' fixed. We never will. There is an endless list of stuff. God is gracious to reveal only a snippet at a time. The goal is to learn to depend on--to trust--what God says is true about me, so that together with others, I can begin dealing with that stuff. Kinda like Steven and the other regulars imperfectly learn at Bo's Cafe.

Reading said...

Please count me in. Thanks for the chance. I think I am a mix od A and B.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Marilu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Hey, Dixie. Nice to meet you! No need to enter me (I'm a reformed Type A); I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.

Bruce, if you're still here, holler if we can help you connect to readers.

Marilu said...

I am definitely a mix of Type A and type B!
Please enter me. thanks

Miss Haley said...

haha neither. i'm mean and introverted and compulsive have an artist temperament! weird...

haleymathiot at yahoo dot com

bison61 said...

I think I'm pretty much Type B,patient, relaxed, easy-going

tiramisu392 (at)

Bruce said...

hey Dixie, just stopped by for a moment on my way to other lands. Cool to see your blog creativity.

Susan, thank you for your generous offer to connect folks to Bo's Cafe, and for posting the story on Win a Book. That's how this gig works, isn't it, if a book helps me, it might help someone else. I welcome our ideas on "connectivity"--you sound like a Connector or Maven, ala Malcolm Gladwell.

Love your bio on Thanks again Dixie, Bruce

Dawn said...

I think I am type B with a little Type A mixed it. I try not to stress over things!

Beth (BBRB) said...

Probably type B with a hint of A. :)

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Dixie said...

Hi Bruce,
Thank you so much for the kind comments and for stopping by.
I hope this tour for Bo's Cafe' will be a smashing success.

And everyone, keep those entries coming-you will love this book.

Knead a Latte - Ruby said...

I'm Type A and a little bit Type B. I sometimes have difficulty being patient.

Pat Connors said...

More type A working towards type B

Marian Perera said...

Oh, Type A+. Driven, determined, perfectionistic, always got multiple projects going on, can't say no to responsibility, control freak... OK, I'd better stop here before I scare myself. :)

Marian - mdperera at hotmail dot com

Karin said...

Thanks for being a great friend Dixie...Love ya!!!!

bevsclark said...

At work I am more of a Type A. I like things to get done and done right and am more of Type B at home. I am more relaxed and chilled and leave the stress at work.

Tracie said...

I'm a B with A tendancies.

Dawn M. said...

I'm a Type B with just a smidge of Type A.

Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Probably a bit of both, I guess
it depends which side of the bed
you wake up on.
I am a follower and would like to
win this book.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Hotsnotty2 said...

Type B, thanks for the chance!

mandatorybloghere said...

Ahh Dixie I am a Type A wishing I was a type B
Great contest! and you know i follow already :)

~The Book Pixie said...

I'm afraid I'm Type A. *sigh* Would love to win this.


Marie (MUM) said...

A Type A who dreams of being a Type B. This is a great giveaway.
