As a little girl growing up in rural Georgia, (and I mean really rural-dirt roads, paths through the woods, and unpainted houses with rusty tin roofs) I used to look forward to summer vacation as much as the next kid but for a different reason.
Not so much that I would be free to roam around and play with my friends,
climbing trees, swimming, fishing and what-ever, but my adventures were exciting to me none the less.
You see my mother had taken it upon herself to sign us up for bi-monthly visits from the Book- Mobile during her weekly trek into town for groceries.
The Book- Mobile only came during the school vacation months and I would stand outside on the day it was due
patiently looking for the red cloud of dusty Georgia clay that the lumbering old winnabago would stir up as it made it's way up the hill to our house.
After it wheezed to a stop and the Book-Mobile Lady lowered the aluminum steps down to my level, I would happily climb aboard and make my selections, sometimes painstakenly, for there was a limit on how many books you were allowed and I wanted to be sure I chose well because I was a fast reader and the time before the next visit would crawl by if I finished my selections too soon.
So there I was 10 years old, along with my Nancy Drew's clutching a fat copy of Annemarie Selinko's Desiree', because I just knew that with such a beautiful lady pictured on the jacket, that this book was going to be wonderful and last me a while.
Of course the Book- Mobile Lady peered over her glasses and stated "Oh, you're getting one for your mama too, I see".
Needless to say after that, I got quite a few books for my mama that summer-Never could quite care about old Nancy and her shenanigans after reading that one!
Which brings me to why I've taken this trip down memory lane
The Kindle 2. Or a contest to win a Kindle 2 to be precise.
You probably know that The Kindle 2 is Amazon's totally awesome electronic reader that will hold over 1500 books-imagine!
I love the idea of taking my library with me and being able to download right from the web to this slender gadget in less than 60 seconds, all without a having to use a pc.
I guess when you get right down to it-this is the "New Book Mobile"
only without limits, and you don't have to wait 2 weeks to get new books to read.
I wonder what the Book- Mobile Lady would think of this?
This amazing giveaway is being hosted by Julie Stratford of
juliestratford.comand you can enter to win the Kindle 2 for yourself by clicking right
Hurry though-you only have until noon April 16th.